Sunday, September 26, 2010

100 Shots

So last week we were given the assignment to take 100 different photographs of a single object in a single environment.  There was about a 6 hour deadline for the assignment.

Gotta say - this was a little tricky!  Before you start you think - 'this shouldn't be too hard'.  However depending on the object you chose - this could turn out to be a little more difficult.

My object was a black umbrella.  Now you begin thinking to yourself, well I can take detail shots,  close-ups, shots from different angles, and as many other things as possible.  But truth of the matter is - there are only so many different shots you can take of something that has one color, is symmetrical for the most part, and only has three different overall looks to it - closed, half way open, and fully opened.
Yet, the possibility is there, you just have to have a bit of patience.  Using a stairwell, leading up from a lobby, as my environment I took photos from as many different angles as I could think of.

After a while I wondered if I would be able to get 100 different shots, but as luck would have it - whether it was bad or good is still to be determined - my umbrella broke.  For the assignment this worked in my favor because there were now new details that could be shown.

If I had to do the assignment again I think I would try to choose an item that has a little more diversity within itself.  Perhaps something with a few more colors, or a unique shape.  Something with a variety of details.

Although it was a little frustrating near the end, it was good practice for trying to see something from a different perspective.  I had fun with this assignment.

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