Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Peace has come to be defined in a few ways.  Freedom from or the cessation of war or violence; or freedom from disturbance; tranquil and quiet. 

When the word Peace is said, different symbols or images pop into peoples minds.  Some people share the same ideas of what Peace means to them, and others have their own thoughts.

For me, when I think Peace, I think of tranquility, quiet, an uninterrupted moment, and stillness.  It is a certain state of serenity or calmness.  So, when I picture the concept of 'Peace', I see water; I see soothing colors; I see the dawn of day or the twilight of evening.  My 'idea', or better yet, my 'image' of Peace can alter to some degree. I often envision a calm stream, or lake.  In this case, I represented my idea of Peace with a sunrise over a marsh.

When I took the photo, it really was serene.  There was little to know wind.  The only sound there was, was the distance calls of a few ducks, and at one point the sound of flapping wings from a flock of geese passing overtop.  Now that  - the quiet of the environment - to be able to hear such a thing, does not occur often for me.  So I closed my eyes for a moment, soon after I took my photo, and not only saved the image in my camera, but in my mind as well.  In my mind, I captured the scene, the scent of the early morning due, the sound of the wings flapping wings in unison, and the feeling of a gentle breeze passing by.  The combined feeling of all that I was taking in at that moment brought a subtle smile to face.  

With this photo I believe I achieved a representation of the concept of 'Peace'.  At least for what my idea of peace is.  

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